"Knowledge Is The Real Solution For Any Problem or Adversity"
Section 1: Our Beliefs
1.1 We follow Islamic belief (Sunni) and we don’t restrict our services to people having other religious beliefs. In Islamic principles and practice we follow Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his followers, Imam Muhammed Bin-Abdul Wahab and his followers, Sheikh Ibn Baaz, and present Official Scholar's Association of Saudi Arabia.
Section 2: Our Core Values and Success Formulae
2.1 Our basic ethics is ‘Do No Harm; Do Right’ – We work for the highest good and empowerment of all concerned — Our clients, ourselves and all concerned.
2.2 Our Success formulae is:
"Knowledge without Power = Futile"
Knowledge + Intent = Power
Power + Action = Result / Reward
Therefor, Healthy Knowledge + Healthy Intent + Healthy Action = Success
Unhealthy Knowledge + Unhealthy Intent + Unhealthy Action = Failure
In another words, Knowledge of Self-Acceptance + Intent of Self-Responsibility + Action of Exploring the Horizon of Free-Will = Self-Completeness or Ultimate Success
2.3 We work on the value of WIN-WIN (You win - I win)
2.4 We DO NOT promote fear in clients and others by way of psychic readings, impressions, predictions, or doomsday prophecies; holistic diagnoses; cards, charts, or any divination device; superstitious beliefs; or by any other means
2.5 We DO NOT advocate or express hatred or discrimination towards other people or classes regardless of, but not limited to, ethnicity, religion, background, national origin, personal beliefs, gender, gender preference, or financial status
2.6 We act with equal consideration and due diligence whether being paid or working in a voluntary capacity
2.7 We balance and integrate ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
2.8 Establish healthy and respectful relationships with others and with the world around them.
2.9 Make lifestyle choices that promote wellness.
2.10 Participate in health decisions and healing process.
Section 3: Disclosure and Informed Consent
3.1 We have disclosed our Qualifications and Credentials in our website www.hifzul.net
3.2 We have published our fees in our websites; We do not demand any extra fees than our published fees. If the client offers us any gift or something we may accept it depending upon the situation of the client.
3.3 We do not advertise a claim to cure or heal any condition as a result of our healing, services, coaching, remedies.
3.4 We do not offer guarantees regarding the results of healing, coaching but offer guarantee that we do our level best.
3.5 We have explained our services in detail in our website and our clients need to render us written application form (hardcopy or softcopy) for Spiritual healing / Life coaching / visit to their sites / Paranormal Investigation & Cleansing / other services etc. in the prescribed form that they abide by our terms and code of ethics.
3.6 Minors and those without the mental capacity for self-direction and decision-making must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian, or have bona fide written consent of a legal guardian.
3.7 Audio or video recording, and/or photographic imagery of a client or a client session is allowed only with our permission.
Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality
4.1 We are bound to keep information of the clients to be confidential and private.
4. 2 Circumstances in which we will reveal client's information to the proper authorities are:
a. When we are directed by court order or by law to disclose.
b. When a client presents a serious risk of suicide or threatens to harm any person, animal, or property.
c. In Mandated Reporting. If a client intends or threatens to harm, molest, maltreat, neglect, or abuse a child, elder, handicapped, or vulnerable adult, or if by, law to report such matters to the proper authorities. This supersedes ecclesiastical privilege. The client, parents, or legal guardians of any potential victims will not to be informed prior to notifying authorities.
Section 5: Professional Integrity and Disposition
5.1 Since we are a member of IMPA (http://www.metaphysicalassociation.org) we will uphold the virtues and qualities regarding the Self-Respect, Self-Responsibility, and Respect for Fee Will etc. in the same way, other codes of ethics mentioned in section 5 of IMPA.
Section 6: Professional Discretion
6.1 We will not offer services or advice that is beyond our scope of knowledge, training, ability and expertise.
6.2 Right to Refuse or Refer.
a. We retain the right to refuse or postpone our services to anyone for any valid reason including clients who appear to be unstable or intoxicated.
b. We will use our discretion and refuse to render service to those clients who cannot reasonably help, or believe they cannot reasonably help, in which case, we may refer such clients to another qualified practitioner or licensed healthcare provider if possible.
6.3 Medical Non-Interference.
a. We will never claim, either explicitly or implied, to be able to cure any physiological disease or psychological disorder EXCEPT that we will do “The Spiritual Healing in Prophetic Medicine”. We care God Cure!
b. We never diagnose symptoms or medical conditions nor prescribe medication, do any mental or psychotherapy.
c. We never suggest that a client stop or change a prescribed medical treatment or interfere with or countermand the treatment of a medical doctor or other licensed healthcare provider.
d. We never suggest, either explicitly or implied, that our services are a substitute for prudent medical or psychological treatments or therapy by licensed healthcare professional – our Healing is purely Spiritual.
6.4 Client Dependency
a. We never claim, say or imply that the we can fix a client’s problems. Only clients can fix their own problems; we educate them, advise them or coach them.
b. We will discontinue providing services to clients who show a continuing and chronic pattern of practitioner-dependency or unhealthy transference.
c. We will not offer any services that involve the casting of spells, hexes, or curses and we believe it is apostasy.
Section 7: Professional Presentation
7.1 We have a website www.hifzul.net with a professional appearance and our code of conduct does not violate the Code of Ethics of IMPA.
7.2 The Places of our services, timing, fees, manners etc. are well displayed in this site.
Section 8: Professional Boundaries
8.1 We do not deal with superstition, black magic, occult, divination, tarot, palm reading or any allegorical practices. In these matters our position is that of scholars mentioned in Section 1.1 above
8.2 In case of Muslim clients, before starting any Spiritual Healing we will sincerely and politely explain our position regarding amulets, talisman, charm, ta’weez or other occult materials.
8.3 If any client has heart attack, high blood sugar variations, epileptic fix, high blood pressure variation etc. must communicate to us well before the healing start.
8.4 If required, we may attend a single client or in group with the family of the client. If cases require, we may insist that all family members to participate in spiritual healing or in coaching.
8.5 Our services are only on pre-appointment basis. We reserve the right to avoid any cases that comes without appointments.
8.6 We strongly insist to get the written application form mentioned in 3.5 above
8.7 Every client MUST come with spouse, if married and residing together, or at least one nearest blood relative of age 21 minimum.
8.8 No female client will be entertained without husband, if residing together, or a nearest male relative of age 21 minimum.
8.9 If we feel, any video or audio recording is necessary, we will record it by informing the client. We will NOT give a copy of it to the client or anybody.
8.10 During Holistic Life Coaching for Muslim clients, we may teach Islamic topics or subjects.
8.11 We are not responsible for the client’s visions, extrasensory perceptions, talking, shouting, violence or psychokinesis, or poltergeist etc. of the client or any member of the client.
8.12 We WILL NOT, in any case, refund a fee already paid to us.
Section 9: Legal Conformity
9.1 Spiritual Healing is well recognized by World Health Organizations(WHO) as Complementary and Traditional Medicine (C&TM). We have a separate Article discussing the authenticity of spiritual health and Spiritual Healing discussed by WHO. Example:
9.2 US National Library of Medicine also recognize the Prophetic Medicine and its spiritual healing.
9.3 India’s Health Ministry also well recognized the Spiritual heath and Spiritual healing. https://www.nhp.gov.in/spirituality-and-health_mty
9.4 In Kerala State Government’s official gazette the member of “Alternative Medical Practitioners Council (No.513/2015)” can practice the scheduled healing. Spiritual Healing is included in the schedule. (http://www.egazette.kerala.gov.in/pdf/2016/48/part_4/AMPC%20President.pdf ). I am a member of this Council.
9.5 Regarding Parapsychology, our Master Degree and PhD is in Metaphysical Humanistic science, specialization on Parapsychology.
9.6 Regarding the Holistic Life Coaching / Life Leadership Coaching, we hold Bachelors Degree in Metaphysics, Master’s Degree and PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic science, specialization in Holistic Life Coaching. We are Certified Holistic Life Coach (CHLC) from Thomas Francis University (https://www.tfuniversity.org). My Ministerial Ordination is from ULC (USA).
9.7 Regarding Paranormal Investigation, we are Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI) from Thomas Francis University.
9.8 Regarding Metaphysical Parenting/Tutoring, Finding and keeping Happiness in Life, we are completed the course from Thomas Francis University.
9.9 We use only four title or designations, namely, “Spiritual Healer”, “Holistic Life Coach (CHLC), “Life Leadership Coach” and “Paranormal Investigator (CPI).
9.10 We do not use any other designations or title such as “Doctor, psychotherapist, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrists, marriage counsellor, clinical etc.
9.11 We are qualified to introduce us as “Dr.” but to avoid confusion to the clients and authorities, since we are in spiritual healing, we do not use “Dr.”
Section 10: Record Keeping
10.1 We keep the record of the clients for a period of seven years in electronic format (not hard copies) to be in conformity with the code of IMPA
Section 11: Continuing Education and Contributions to the Field
11.1 We believe and doing a Continuing Education (CE) as a matter of routine and a positive attitude toward Life-Long Learning (L.L.L)
11.2 We work to make contributions to the metaphysical field in general, and specifically to our chosen area of specialization.
11.3 Contributions may be made in a number of ways including writing, teaching, research, pioneering new methodologies and philosophies, and paying it forward by offering services at a reduced rate or for free to those in need.
Section 12: Metaphysical Teachers and Educational Organizations
12.1 We teach metaphysical and holistic concepts and modalities with professionalism, integrity, insight, and respect for the higher good and benefit of the public
12.2 'Hifzul Rahman Kottangodan, PhD, CHLC, CPI' is a member of 'International Metaphysical Practitioners Association' (IMPA) and adheres to the high standards of the IMPA Code of Ethics for the good of all concerned and in the spirit of “Do no harm.” More information is available at http://www.metaphysicalassociation.org
Section 13: Living Documents
13.1 This code of ethics is in line with that of the IMPA, in future, may change according to the updating in IMPA
13.2 We reserve the right to change any or all of these codes of ethics, subject to that of IMPA.
Hifzul Rahman Kottangodan, PhD, CHLC, CPI